A Personal Appreciation of D. A. Macfarlane
J. Cameron Fraser


This is a little book for those who love by-paths in Scottish Highland history, with a short account of a worthy representative of that history who lived 1889-1979. To sit at Mr. Macfarlane's dinner table at the Free Presbyterian manse in Dingwall fifty years ago, was to enter a world far removed from the bustle of the present day. We were only there for morning tea but that involved a table as full as our host's mind. He was a devoted preacher, pastor and book lover, as well as a warm-hearted host. Any who expected his Christianity to run in a narrow grove would quickly be relieved of that opinion in his presence. The author is the son of James Fraser, whose biography, “Thandabantu: The Man Who Loved the People”, was also recently reprinted by Guardian books.
Date Added: 10/15/2013 by Iain H. Murray
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