When God Shows Up
Henry Wildeboer


Hi Henry,
I just read your book. I borrowed it from my parents who saw you at Rehoboth recently.
It is a fantastic read. I couldn't put it down. A few things you had shared with me before: Panoka, the affirmations your daughters gave: "Dad you are the real deal."
I was intrigued to read all the gory details of the Classis meetings, etc. So many pastors can relate to the antagonism and manoeuvring of the aggrieved. Wow. And the legion of art. Seventeen pastors today need to know that they do not go through that alone—I think your book provides a context and perspective which until now has not seen much if any print.
The constant theme of God showing up was moving. I really liked the Billy Graham anecdote, and can remember the Guelph sea to sea rally well. I could go on and on.
I wonder to myself which of my elders could/should read your book.
Blessings, and thanks so much for writing this book.
—Chris Schievink (CRC pastor in Chatham)
Date Added: 09/17/2013 by Chris Schievink
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